Today we're happy to release another update as we continue to improve Retro!
In this update, we're releasing a new monster system that's more powerful and yet uses less resources at the same time!
RetroCores monsters will from this day and forward, be more unpredictable with their attacks, and more dangerous for that reason.
You could say that monsters now have the ability to get frustrated.
Before this update, all attacks of monsters were to some degree predictable, making it too easy to stair-jump or determine when to heal and when to use spells on them.
With this update, monsters themselves will decide when and how to use their attacks (not melee, that one is same as always).
This means that a minotaur archer could hit you with 2 bolts in less than 0.5 second, a dragon could hit you with double fireball or fire wave.
And a demon could hit you with a double energy beam!
For this reason, monsters will seem like they've always been in RetroCores, however at some point you might experience double or even triple attacks in very short time, and if you're not ready for it, you could die to it!
Stair jumping is also much harder than before, as monsters will get frustrated and try to snap you for bugging them.
They can and they will likely throw attacks your way if you spend too much time on the stairs!